Good opportunity for Home-Stay Accommodation Providers in Sri Lanka as Hotel Rooms Fully Booked

With the sudden increase of tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka, all the conventional Hotels been fully booked for the Season and beyond, the rates have also increased accordingly. Many backpackers and low spending travelers will not be able to find  suitable and affordable accommodation. Many small tour agencies are also effected as Big-timers, and hotel groups have booked entire Hotels.

The walk-in Tourists will find it very difficult to find a room. Many Star-Class Hotel projects are already on the way, yet they will take at least 2-3 years for them to be functional. Till then capacity will be the same and tourist arrivals will increase steadily. This will be an excellent opportunity for the small places and Home-stay providers to develop their business.

An IT firm called CITEC has come with a novel project to network all the home-stay accommodation providers  together   on the internet where searching them and looking at their details including Booking data will be quite easy for deserving travelers. This project will launched shortly and all Home-stay providers could be listed with the site for Free or at a very minimal fee, a spokesman for the Company claimed.

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